Preparing for the Golden Years

Functional Fitness & Strength Training

Navigating life as a senior means making lifestyle adjustments and future plans.  With preparation and some advice, seniors can live their third acts to the fullest.

Senior Health Risks

The top health risks for those 50 and older are: loss of functional abilities which make independent living challenging; fatigue, insomnia and falls; and isolation, which can lead to symptoms of sadness and depression.

To combat and prevent these health risks, we design a program that keeps you physically active, mentally sharp with various exercises that challenge your memory use and cognition, and balance exercises that promote better stability and flexibility.  

Helping you stay engaged from a mental, physical, social, and emotional approach to living well is key as we get older.

The warning signs for these health risks are experiencing trouble with independent activities of daily living such as driving a car, keeping your balance, getting up from a fall, and all types of daily functional things like cooking or just reaching overhead for something. Forgetfulness from progressive short-term memory loss is also a warning sign. Many times, it is a family member or friend that notices the changes that necessitate a visit to the doctor. 

With the appropriate training, exercise selection, repetitive drills, and meaningful results you will remain resilient and with time, can learn to adapt to changes, as you age.


Once your healthcare team gives the okay, we will begin planning your long-term success. Nutritional, physical and cognitive statuses should also be evaluated.  Seeing a Dietician or Nutritionist is key!  As nutrition improves, you will have more energy and focus … leading to a stronger desire to exercise. 

We will design a safe and effective workout that matches your health needs.

We will focus on getting your heart rate up, strength training, flexibility and mobility training.  The key is consistency!

Whether it is going to the grocery store with less pain, being active with family, or traveling regularly, setting goals is important. A positive attitude is beneficial to improving health and increasing longevity.

The key to retaining muscle mass and keeping fit is the proper balance of eating well and staying active, these are the secrets of living well and long.